Leonard Khiroug (CSO) presents at the Blood-Brain Barrier Conference in Boston on June 15, 2016

Blood-Brain Barrier Conference (June 15-16) is part of the World Preclinical Congress taking place June 15-17, 2016 in Boston, MA.  Leonard Khiroug’s (CSO, Founder) presentation entitled “In vivo Microscopy-Based Assay for Brain Distribution of Biologics: From a Case-Study to the Industry Standard” addresses the fact that conventional brain exposure assays either lack longitudinality (IHC and ELISA) or have low spatial resolution (radiolabelled imaging and microdialysis).  Neurotar’s in vivo microscopy assay overcomes these limitations by quantitatively imaging brain exposure of fluorescently labelled biologics in living mouse’s cortex with sub-micrometer resolution.