We are excited to join the growing psychedelic community for the largest-ever Psychedelic Science gathering organized by MAPS in June of 2023!
This year, Neurotar’s contract research team started leveraging our state-of-the-art imaging infrastructure and decade-long specialty contract research expertise for psychedelic drug development. Undoubtedly, psychedelic compounds have tremendous potential for treating depression and other mood disorders, and we are thrilled to contribute to their development and medical use.
Meet us in Denver to learn about Neurotar’s unique neuroplasticity assays, dendritic spine turnover, and calcium imaging that are particularly relevant for psychedelic drug developers. Our assays are unique because we carry out longitudinal high-resolution imaging studies in awake head-fixed mice. Getting rid of the anesthetics literary helps to uncover what is going on in the living and active brain. In the end, we hope to elucidate the unknown mechanisms of action that underlie the known positive effects of psychedelic substances.
Neurotar’s team is also excited about meeting the academic scientists involved in psychedelic research. We are curious to learn about their new research directions and insights. Naturally, we want to see if some of their research projects may benefit from our Mobile HomeCage and Invigilo systems. Our scientists have developed both of these platforms for internal use (for imaging in awake head-fixed mice). But these tools have since been adopted by more than 190 neuroscience labs worldwide.
In short, this is the meeting that we can’t miss. Can you?
Let’s start the conversation now and continue in Denver! Shall we?